Thursday, September 25, 2008

I got all of my images from Google images and I got my videos from google video and youtube.

Monday, September 22, 2008


This is a sum of money that can be given to an industry by the government to try and help influence where an industry locates. This is a loan that does not need to be paid back from the industry to an industry.

Friday, September 19, 2008

Factors that influence where an industry locates.

For an industry to operate they need cetain factors. These factors can influence where an industry will locate.

One factor will be the workforce, it then depends whether the industry will be a skilled workforce or an unskilled workforce. Skilled jobs are jobs which only trained people would be able to do like being a mechanic or an engineer, whereas an unskilled jobs is a job which anyone can do so it is a job like turning on the lights in an industry or being a cleaner.

This is another factor that can influence where an industry will locate is infrastructure. This is in relation to transport. So this is things like are there good roads around the area where the industry want to locate. This is also things like is the area busy with traffic alot so things like this can turn an industry away from an area.

Thursday, September 18, 2008